One historic restaurant still stands proudly and if you go inside you will either find a comfy little restaurant, Halloween decorations in October, or a Christmas town in December. One thing that is year-round and will always be there with you to share your meal are the ghosts.

The story about this place is that Tony's (the owner) son was fiddling around with a Ouija board one night with a few pals in the cellar of the restaurant. The Ouija board spelled something to the like of, open the liquor cabinet door, they did (never a good thing to listen to Ouija boards, and then the board said "now we will always be with you". Did they unknowingly open a passage to the other side that night, or is it the collective imaginations of the staff.

Having visited there many times I have yet to come across any specters while eating my stew, a few orbs have been photographed but they are only orbs. If your ever in the mood for a good hearty meal, great friendly staff and the possibility of seeing a ghost, then check out Smalley's Inn in Carmel. And if Tony is there ask him about the Ghosts, he'll tell you the stories and show you the pictures.